Attendance Tracking

Need a system to keep track of arrival and departure times of your employees? EVENT's Attendance Tracking module can handle it. What about preventing key personnel who do the same job from leaving on vacation at the same time? We do that, too. What if you need to system that can tie in to secret CIA satellite surveillance cameras so you can watch what your neighbor is doing? Well, we can't do that but wouldn't that be cool if we could!!?
Attendance Tracking does let you set up vacation and other time related budgets (sick time, bereavement, family days) and track how much of them has been used by an employee. Not as cool as CIA satellite links but still important. The module is fully integrated to our payroll module so duplicate setup is eliminated. See arrival and departure histories of employees over a period of time and do pattern analyses.

Benefits of Using EVENT Softwareâ„¢ Attendance Tracking

Improve employee punctuality by providing feedback on arrival and departure times. Make employees more accountable for their day.

Provides comprehensive vacation scheduling with the ability to spot potential conflicts over the same requested time period.

Provides historical analysis of employees to support management decisions.

Attendance Tracking Features

  • Easy to use date style screens for editing or viewing attendance
  • Easy to schedule date style vacation screens
  • Budget setup and management on departure items by color (vacation, bereavement, sick time and more)
  • Absentee pattern analysis reporting
  • Budget item analysis
  • Vacation conflict scheduling
  • User-defined Holiday file

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